Chakras In The Human Body
Chakra is Sanskrit word that literally translates as ‘wheel.’ The human body includes seven important Chakras and also many minor Chakras. These 7 chakras start from the bottom of the backbone and finish on the top of the head. Basically, those chakras possess the wheel of continuous revolving and rotating energy. The root (1st chakra) has the slowest revolving speed while the crown (7th chakra,) rotates the fastest.
What happens when my Chakras are out of whack?
If these chakras are unhealthy, unbalanced or clogged up, your lifestyle tend to be out of sync. Weariness, stress and other health issues may begin to arise. In these cases, it’s important to unclog the affected Chakras and restore their balance.
Stimulation for each Chakra come from its individual and complimentary colour as well as a range of gem stones. Basically, these chakra colours consists of the 7 colours of the rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. However, do not go overboard in opening your Chakras all at once, as too large an opening may lead to excessive universal energy coming into your entire body. that will consequently lead to an energy overload.
What are the 7 Chakras?
Chakras have a clear connection from one to the next and also each has a corresponding organ. Here is your ‘express guide’ to the 7 Chakras and their related organs in the body:
1st chakra (Root) – connected to large intestines, anus, has some effects on kidney functioning
2nd chakra (Naval) – connected to the reproduction system, sex gland, testicles, urinary system, bladder and kidneys
3rd chakra (Solar plexus) = connected to gall bladder, spleen, liver, small intestine and stomach
4th chakra (Heart) – associated with the heart and arms
5th chakra (Throat) – associated with throat and lung area
6th chakra (3rd eye) – associated with the face, nose area, eyes and brains.
7th chakra (Crown) – related to the whole being, not corresponding to any particular organ.
Watch out for the YogaBellies Chakra Balancing Workshops coming in Autumn 2016. Find out more at www.yogabellies.co.uk/findaclass
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