1. Though yoga, children with ADHD can learn how to focus, practice stillness and manage aggression.
2. In the US researchers found that children with autism spectrum disorder who did yoga at school behaved better than children with autism who weren’t doing yoga.The researchers surveyed teachers at a school in the Bronx who said a daily yoga program reduced the children’s aggressive behaviour, social withdrawal and hyperactivity.
3. In sport yoga can help a child’s endurance, flexibility, strength & focus.
4. Yoga gives children the tools they need to tackle life’s challenges. It teaches them critical techniques for self-health, inner fulfilment, and relaxation and may help them to handle the obstacles they will face in life. Yoga gives them an opportunity to connect more deeply with their inner selves and the world around them.
5. Great for digestion
6. Bonding between parent/carer and child when you practice yoga together.
7. Can teach toddlers how to self soothe
8. Helps manage aggression (temper tantrums!!)
When should children not practice yoga? Proceed with caution if your baby is suffering from any of the following…
o Fever
o sickness
o undiagnosed lumps
o skin complaints
o recent surgery
o fractures
o open sores
o contagious disease
o recent surgery,
o clicky hips
o heart or lung problems,
o 72 hours after immunisation, child overwhelmed.
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