Our Certified YogaBellies teacher Heather describes her joy at being able to teach three generations of women in the same Luna by YogaBellies class…..
As a yoga teacher, when I started teaching Luna by YogaBellies, I had one aim, that ALL women would feel comfortable and benefit from my classes. I once went to a yoga class where a lady couldn’t do many postures and was left sitting on her mat, looking uncomfortable (this was obviously not a YogaBellies class!) and I swore that would never happen in a class I taught.
That is why, when I was approached by a lady at the end of one of my classes explaining that her and her daughter enjoyed doing the Luna class together and was wondering if I could accommodate her mother as well I was over the moon. A few e-mails later it was all arranged and I now have the pleasure of teaching grandmother Jenny, her younger daughter Rachel, elder daughter Teressa and granddaughter Carly.
Jenny is a remarkable woman, she suffers from a variety of ailments including osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia and sometimes has to walk with a stick. She tells me at the end of the classes her feels “inches taller” and gets so much from the classes. She tells me “I know some of my movements are restricted but there are always alternatives that I can do and I never feel uncomfortable if I want to take a rest”. This is so important to me, I can’t stress enough that ladies who come to a Luna class should do what serves and nourishes them. If they are exhausted from the previous week and want to take the practice at a really slow pace taking lots of breaks and enjoy the lovely aromatherapy and self hypnosis relaxation at the end that is absolutely fine. Jenny also goes on to say that she loves the social element to the classes. All four ladies sit together and as we all try to manoeuvre ourselves into one of the trickier asanas I often hear them giggling together…which often sets the rest of the class off!
Teressa tells me she often used to struggle to sleep on a Sunday night, worrying about the week ahead but due to the self meditation at the end of the class and the positive mantras included throughout she sleeps so much better and now looks forward to her Sunday nights, along with noticing a significant improvement in her fibromyalgia.
When I asked Carly and Rachel what they get from the class, they both reply instantly “relaxation”, going on to explain that they have done yoga classes before and felt the benefits but never previously experienced the deep relaxation that they get from a Luna by YogaBellies class.
Whilst all four women have their different motivations for attending, they are not only united by their family bond but also their love of yoga and it truly is a wonderful and inspiring sight to see them all practicing together.
I believe the classes are so popular as they really speak to woman and give them what they need. No matter our age, fitness or flexibility and we all have one thing in common, we need to take some time for ourselves to relax and rejuvenate…and not feel guilty for doing so. As I frequently tell the ladies who attend my classes “you can’t pour from an empty cup, you need to take care of yourself first”.
If you’d like to join Heather’s YogaBellies for Luna class you can find her at 7pm and 8.15pm Sundays and 6.15pm Mondays at The Orchard Community Centre, Kings Reach, Biggleswade and you can contact her at heather@yogabellies.co.uk
#yogabelliesbiggleswade #yogabellies #lunabyyogabellies #yogabelliesheathers #familyyoga #threegenerationsofwomen #kingsreachcommunitycentre Meet the three generations of women from the same family proving that Luna by YogaBellies really is for all ages, all levels, all women…
As a yoga teacher, when I started teaching Luna by YogaBellies, I had one aim, that ALL women would feel comfortable and benefit from my classes. I once went to a yoga class where a lady couldn’t do many postures and was left sitting on her mat, looking uncomfortable (this was obviously not a YogaBellies class!) and I swore that would never happen in a class I taught.
That is why, when I was approached by a lady at the end of one of my classes explaining that her and her daughter enjoyed doing the Luna class together and was wondering if I could accommodate her mother as well I was over the moon. A few e-mails later it was all arranged and I now have the pleasure of teaching grandmother Jenny, her younger daughter Rachel, elder daughter Teressa and granddaughter Carly.
Jenny is a remarkable woman, she suffers from a variety of ailments including osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia and sometimes has to walk with a stick. She tells me at the end of the classes her feels “inches taller” and gets so much from the classes. She tells me “I know some of my movements are restricted but there are always alternatives that I can do and I never feel uncomfortable if I want to take a rest”. This is so important to me, I can’t stress enough that ladies who come to a Luna class should do what serves and nourishes them. If they are exhausted from the previous week and want to take the practice at a really slow pace taking lots of breaks and enjoy the lovely aromatherapy and self hypnosis relaxation at the end that is absolutely fine. Jenny also goes on to say that she loves the social element to the classes. All four ladies sit together and as we all try to manoeuvre ourselves into one of the trickier asanas I often hear them giggling together…which often sets the rest of the class off!
Teressa tells me she often used to struggle to sleep on a Sunday night, worrying about the week ahead but due to the self meditation at the end of the class and the positive mantras included throughout she sleeps so much better and now looks forward to her Sunday nights, along with noticing a significant improvement in her fibromyalgia.
When I asked Carly and Rachel what they get from the class, they both reply instantly “relaxation”, going on to explain that they have done yoga classes before and felt the benefits but never previously experienced the deep relaxation that they get from a Luna by YogaBellies class.
Whilst all four women have their different motivations for attending, they are not only united by their family bond but also their love of yoga and it truly is a wonderful and inspiring sight to see them all practicing together.
I believe the classes are so popular as they really speak to woman and give them what they need. No matter our age, fitness or flexibility and we all have one thing in common, we need to take some time for ourselves to relax and rejuvenate…and not feel guilty for doing so. As I frequently tell the ladies who attend my classes “you can’t pour from an empty cup, you need to take care of yourself first”.
If you’d like to join Heather’s YogaBellies for Luna class you can find her at 7pm and 8.15pm Sundays and 6.15pm Mondays at The Orchard Community Centre, Kings Reach, Biggleswade and you can contact her at heather@yogabellies.co.uk
#yogabelliesbiggleswade #yogabellies #lunabyyogabellies #yogabelliesheathers #familyyoga #threegenerationsofwomen #kingsreachcommunitycentre
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