In Ayurvedic terms, a pregnant woman is referred to as the ‘Garbhini’ in Sanskrit and the very special care of a pregnant woman is known as ‘Garbhini Paricharya.’ Ayurveda provides a lot of helpful recommendations for women during pregnancy which are fairly consistent from woman to woman. We’ve gathered together some top tips and basic guidance from this amazing science to help you plan for a nutritious and healthy pregnancy.
In Ayurveda, it is said that a woman can completely reset her health during the childbearing year. It is of the upmost importance that mum takes proper care of herself and baby during this time. However, if you don’t make the necessary adjustments to your life to prepare for the changes that lie ahead, by ignoring a proper diet, keeping up your pre-pregnancy pace and not taking time for adequate rest and relaxation, you can create imbalances that can take a long time to heal.
During pregnancy, everything you taste, see, touch, hear, and smell should be nourishing you. Your environment and general state of mind can affect baby’s growth and development.
We have so many things to do as a new mum. A lack of sleep, breastfeeding demands and the constant care of your baby, require a whole lot of energy. It is so important, before, during and after pregnancy, that you continually look after your general wellbeing.
When you carry a child for nine months your body does a lot of work and what the baby needs will be taken directly from your energy stores. Your health must be your first priority.
The three main areas of concern around health, from an Ayurvedic perspective, are food, sleep and how your energy is used. By balancing these three areas throughout pregnancy, by watching what you eat, getting ample rest and using your energy well, you will have a healthy body and mind.
We all know how important it is to take care of our bodies during pregnancy, so take the time to allow yourself to be pampered. We are carrying precious babes, making our health even more important.
Looking after our body during pregnancy creates a clean and happy home for baby. Here are some ideas to make you instantly feel better during pregnancy:
• Get a mani/pedi: Nothing makes you feel nicer than pretty fingers and toes. If your pregnancy shape and tent-size clothes are getting you down, dressing up and paying attention to your hands and feet can make you feel pampered and special. Go to a reputable, clean salon and allow them to massage your hands and feet too.
• Enjoy a massage: This is best left until after the fifth month. Generally, massages are considered safe in pregnancy and this is a great way to feel pampered and relaxed. Abhygaya massage with lots of oil is perfect. Ideally visit an Ayurvedic practitioner, but if this is not practical, rope in your partner or a friend to help.
• Have a bubble bath: A ‘not too warm’ bath in pregnancy is safe and very relaxing. I spent most of my first trimester floating around in the tub, and I found that it helped ease nausea also. Find your favourite scent of bubbles, light some few candles, and slide into a warm, bubbly tub.
• Try out some Bump Photography: Embrace your pregnancy and go for a glamorous bump photoshoot. You can do this alone or with a friend or partner. This provides immediate glam appeal and is guaranteed to help you love your pregnant body and to serve as a beautiful reminder of your pregnancy.
• Read a book: Read those books that you have wanted to for ages. You won’t get the chance when baby arrives, so find the time now to do what you love.
This is an extract from Cheryl MacDonald’s new book YogaBellies for Pregnancy available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.co.uk click here https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/151736583X