You can share the following Happiness Meditation with your child…
“Imagine a feeling of happiness. You feel an opening in the top of your head. You feel happiness floating in through the opening in the top of your head. It fills up your head and neck. It fills your shoulders and arms. The happiness floats down into your chest and your heart. Your heart is so full of happiness. The happiness gently floats on into your stomach and on into your back. It floats into your legs and feet. Every part of your body is full of happiness.
You are so full of happiness, it begins to spread out beyond your body. It spreads out to everyone in our classroom. It reaches beyond the classroom farther and farther until it spreads over the whole of Singapore. It spreads out to the whole earth, and continues to spread out even further into the universe — beyond the planets, beyond the stars, farther and farther. The whole universe is filled with your happiness.”
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