When we go on holiday, our health and fitness routine can go horribly off schedule. Alcohol, sun, excessive eating and action packed family time, can all put paid to the best laid fitness goals. This summer, to help you keep on top of your yoga practice on holiday, I’ve put together 5 key tips for maintaining your practice without it interfering with your fun.
1. Commit to 7 Minutes a Day
That’s all it takes. In your mind, commit to just 7 minutes of yoga practice. Roll out your mat and practice for just 7 minutes. The chances are that once you are on your mat you will get into the flow and keep going. Every day I commit to 7 minutes and usually practice for an hour at least Trick yourself onto the mat!
2. Practice Outside
If you are holidaying in warmer climes, why not take your practice outside? Onto a balcony or on the beach is a fantastic opportunity to be at one with nature while you practice. Beautiful scenery and the natural sounds of the outdoors can only enhance your practice. If you are practising early in the morning or at dusk, don’t forget your mosquito repellent!
3. Do it as Soon as you Get Up
Wither you stumbled home at 5am or were tucked up in bed at 9pm, always try to practice as soon as you wake up. Have a drink of water and practice on an empty stomach where possible. If you’re feeling a little ‘fragile’ from the festivities the evening before, just sit in Corpse or Child’s pose and rest. This will keep you focused for the rest of the day, with your practice already under your belt.
4. Take a Travel Yoga Towel on holiday
Invest in a travel yoga mat or even better, a light weight grippy yoga towel. Much lighter than your yoga mat, a yoga towel can be popped into your beach bag for some beach or poolside practice. Getting the right yoga towel also means that you have as much room in your suitcase for shoes as you need
5. Use a DVD or App on your Phone for Guidance
If you usually attend a yoga class and like to have a teacher talk your through the postures, why not download a yoga app – there are 100’s to choose from on the app store – or take a yoga DVD to follow on your laptop or in the hotel room DVD player? This means you can still enjoy that ‘class’ feel without having to remember the sequences from memory.
PeaceLoveYogaBellies Yogini on the Go Kit
Check out the PeaceLoveYogaBellies Yogini Travel Kit for sale on Amazon UK – This beautiful Yoga Kit includes a super-grippy mat size yoga towel and strap and comes in two styles: Kama (purple) and Soma (pink.)
Our feminine, eco-friendly towel is super-fast drying and is made from premium 100% microfiber material, lighter but thicker than regular yoga towels. Perfect for hot or holiday yoga as our towel grips even more when damp.
You can also get 10% off when you purchase 2 or more YogaBellies products from Amazon UK. Click here for details.
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